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Author Archives: shescracked
it’s not about you
“Do not lie to me and tell me you love me or any woman or person of color or immigrant or queer individual in this country and then throw away your vote. It’s a vote for Trump. And when the … Continue reading
Posted in World & Culture
Sarah said it best…
Time to suck it up and realize voting your conscience (if it is really for the “best”) now means voting party line. Your conscience should tell you a Trump presidency would be BEYOND dangerous, reckless, unnecessary and completely preventable. Saying … Continue reading
Posted in World & Culture
Tagged 2016 election, al franken, bernie, bernie or bust, bob, conscience, DNC, ego, end of the world, hillary, hitler, killary, RNC, sarah silverman, satan, trump
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Oh, Caitlyn
After further following Caitlyn Jenner’s bizarre journey, I have to recant my thrill about her coming out to the world. She still very clearly leads the life of a wealthy white male (as evidenced in her utter oblivion and complete … Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment, World & Culture
Tagged annie leibovitz, annie leibowitz, break the internet, bruce jenner, caitlyn jenner, call me caitlyn, celebrity, gender, Jenner, kanye west, kardashian, kim kardashian, kimye, kuwk, lavern cox, LGBTQ, NCTE, OITNB, Olympian, surgery, TIME magazine, trans, transformation, transisbeautiful, vanity fair
Bizarro Food Fairytales
One thing that makes me absolutely mad is the abundance of bizzaro information out there, much of which is flat out wrong. Thanks to Dr. Oz and Food Babe on the INSANE end of the spectrum, and with shared misinformation … Continue reading
Posted in World & Culture
Tagged budget, clean eating, dr oz, fact, fiction, food, food babe, food myth, food stamps, garden of life, grocery, healthy eating, liquid multivitamin, nature's bounty, nutrients, organic, raw foods, shopping, solgar, UFW, vitamin, vitamin code, whey, whole foods
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Petco’s Grooming Disaster
One of the things that makes my head spin, is just how STUPID some people can be. What makes me downright homicidal, is when people harm children and animals with that stupidity. Colby, a family pet, died on Friday. One … Continue reading
Posted in Animals
Tagged animal abuse, caitlyn dog, colby, FBI, felony, groomer, Huffington post, huffpo, muzzle tape, pet death, petco
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